Thursday, June 23, 2011

Madame CJ Walker

Madame CJ Walker, the first female millionaire, created hair care product and earned her fortune.  She didn’t do it just for the money, she did it to better her community, charity, and to beautify the black woman.  By creating this hair care product, she cured the problem of insecurity within the African American woman by adding glamour to her appeal.  By doing so, this gave our women to demand respect and be treated like a lady instead of a beast.
    This product Created the “New Woman” era.  Along with the Harlem Renaissance women begin to find a new identity outside of their husband.  This period in African American history is very important to our culture because our women are finally stepping up and letting it be known that they have voice.  In this era black women had begun being see in film, glamorous images, and the Jazz scene. 

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